Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How To Build Muscle For Skinny Guys

You were born skinny, right? You grew up skinny, right? Well finally, you want to build muscle and get that great looking physique. 

The good thing about being skinny from the start is you have much more potential to achieve that ripped movie star look. This is due to your ability to put on less fat and more muscle which you get from your high metabolism. 

Skinny guys are generally envied by bigger bulky guys because they have difficulty achieving leaner muscle. However, for skinny guys your primary goal should be to gain weight and build muscle.

Eat, Eat, And Eat!

If you’re the lanky 120 pound guy at the gym wondering how all the big guys got "big" well it didn't just start at the gym.

In order for you to gain muscle you need to be eating a lot of food. Now it’s not just any food but make sure you are getting good nutritious food which is suitable to your workout plan. Junk food won't do you any good, so pass up on the soda and French fries at McDonald's.

Be sure to eat a 300-600 calorie meal 1-2 hours prior to working out so it ensures you have enough carbohydrates in your system. After your workout eat a simple carb such as a banana and later on have another meal. 

Choose foods that are high in protein such as, chicken, eggs, almonds, ham, peanuts, salmon etc. Protein helps your body repair the muscles you have spent time on working out in the gym and makes sure they grow and become strong. 

You want to be eating at least 500 calories over your maintenance. You can figure out your daily requirements for your maintenance calories and then add in the extra 500 calories and make sure you're consuming them everyday alongside your workout routine. 

It’s important for you to keep track of your calories; some guys think they’re eating a lot when in reality they’re really not. So in total you want a pre-workout, post workout and another four or more meals throughout the day.

Lift, Lift, And Lift!

You need to not only lift, but lift big. Your muscles should only be able to do up to 10 reps per set and if you’re not reaching failure by the last rep then you need to up the weight. You should be doing 3 sets and performing around 10 repetitions of each exercise. 

Likewise, while adding more weight you also want to make sure you’re maintaining proper form and are doing all exercises correctly.

If you want to safely handle increasing the weights its best recommend you get a personal trainer or gym mate to help or spot you with the exercise in case the weights get too heavy. 

It is also a good idea to change up the workout routine once a month. And be sure to lift frequently to maintain and build more muscle.


Even though you can receive all the nutrition you need from eating alone there can be added benefits for consuming supplements. Firstly, you will need to choose a protein powder which is right for you. 

Some protein powder brands cause gut and digestive distress so choose wisely. You can read our article on how to choose protein powders.

Another big secret of bodybuilders is using branched chain amino acids. These are protein-building blocks that are absorbed by your body quickly and easily. There relatively inexpensive and should be taken during and right after your workout. 

You can also take 10-20 grams of BCAA's before and then every 1 hour during your workouts. Using branched chain amino acids will improve your results greatly especially if you’re looking to build size. 

Additional supplements include
  • Creatine: 0.3 g/kg bodyweight for 5-7 days followed by 5 g/day.
  • Carnitine: 750 mg, 2,000 mg/day, in 2 doses.
  • Citrulline: 6-8 g, 30-60 minutes before exercise.
  • Beta-Alanine: 2-5 g, 30-60 minutes before exercise.

Sleeping 8 hours a day is just as important as all the other factors so be sure you're getting your rest because this is the time your muscles will have the time to grow.

Lastly it’s vital you stay motivated through your transformation because if you really want it bad you’ll work hard for it. Set a goal to achieve the body you want and don’t quit until you get there no matter what anyone says. Good luck gaining muscle skinny guys!

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