Friday, October 19, 2012

How To Repair Muscle For Maximum Growth

Muscle growth and recovery is a vital part of bodybuilding because this is the part you will start to see the results. To make sure your muscles grow you first need to take these necessary steps.
Step 1: Getting the proper nutrition and supplements

Getting enough protein in your diet is very essential when you're trying to build muscle. 

Your muscles use protein to build and repair muscle tissue which causes it to get bigger and stronger. You can use protein powder and shakes supplements to help increase your overall in take or eat protein rich foods. 

List of high protein foods 

Protein per 1 serving
42 grams
40 grams
Chicken Breast
30 grams
Pork loin
29 grams
Beef hamburger patty
28 grams
20 grams
19 grams
Chick Peas
16 grams
College cheese
15 grams
Soy beans
14 grams


Supplements are only effective with a good diet and although results can be achieved without supplements they will fasten the process.  

1. Creatine - is a natural occurring substance found in our muscle tissues which helps promote lean muscle and fast post workout recovery. 

 2.  Whey protein- helps supply your body high amounts of protein as well as calcium, magnesium, and other minerals. It can help both weight gaining and losing. 

3. Branched chained amino acids (BCAA)- Helps muscle repair faster by bringing nutrients to muscle tissue.They are most effective to take during workout.

Along with getting enough protein make sure your eating a good diet. Healthy foods including all four food groups will help you see results faster. Also drinking lots of water will replenish fluids which will help the body improve nutrient transfer, and metabolic and every bodily function. You also need to be eating a post workout meal within an hour of completing your workout.

Step 2: Getting Enough Sleep

Your body only builds muscle tissue when you are not weight training 

Sleep is crucial which is why you need to at least be getting at the minimum 8 hours a day. If you are getting less then 8 hours of sleep it will have a big impact on your body's ability to build and repair muscle tissue.

A good way to tell if you aren't getting enough sleep is to lie down or go to bed in the middle of the day. If you fall asleep in 10 minutes you are sleep deprived.  Avoid consuming carbohydrates and physical activity right before going to sleep. 

By not getting enough rest and sleep you decrease your growth hormone, testosterone, and energy levels. You want to be able to go through all four phases of the sleep cycle if you disrupt the cycle you will lower the levels mentioned above.

Step 3: Enough Rest Between Workouts 

It is important to even out your workouts by make sure your getting a day's rest between them. If you workout everyday it won't give you muscles enough time to repair and build so aim for 1-2 days rest. If workout on Mon, Wed, and Fri, you should rest on Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun. 
If your muscles are still store that means they still haven't fully recovered, you should not workout these muscles that day instead choose a different muscle group. 

Also avoid over training because if you work out a muscle too much it will start to break down and instead of gaining you will start losing muscle.  

Best way to make sure you're getting enough rest and recovery is to incorporate it into your workout plan and to make sure your plan overlooks all of the necessary components for muscle building. Take care of your body and in return your body will take care of you!

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